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Vanessa Dolan Kinésiologue et massothérapeute contractante chez Clinique PSB dans l'équipe de Anny Boucher Massothérapeute clinique

Vanessa Dolan

Massage therapist




Kinesiologist | Massage therapist

Hello, I am Vanessa Dolan, I am a kinesiologist and newly licensed massage therapist.

The body, movement, physical activity, rehabilitation and soft tissue work have always attracted me. It is an opportunity for me to be in contact with people and contribute to their well-being. My goal is to support my clients to better hold themselves in their bodies and minds by reducing muscular tension and stress. I am dedicated to offering the best possible relaxation during your treatment time. I want you to remain free to move.

Professional experience




Graduated in massage therapy from the Kiné Concept Guijek school.

Bachelor's degree in kinesiology at the University of Montreal

Graduated as a massage therapist (International Swedish Massage)


Euro-musculoskeletal well-being for the whole family.

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